Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rising from the Ashes

Howdy fellas, I'm back. If you'll notice, I went through a little blogging phase last spring, did alright, then got lazy. So when Pat asked me to join in this bidness, my thought process went something like this:
a) sure, why not? i have opinions, and i like pat's daily questions.
b) eff, this means I have to remember my blogger password.
c) at least it's going to be more interesting than watching a stadium renovation webcam
d) i'll probably crap out in mid december, but oh well
e) i'm hungry.
then I ordered some thai, and got working on this. so whilst I wait for my drunken noodles, I'll throw around my top 10 list of lists we need to explore.

Top 5 Christmas songs
Top 5 Horrible Graduation Presents
Top 5 Pat McManus online expressions
Top 5 Hottest Disney females
Top 5 Most influential nonreligious books ever

ok i got lazy (theme here?)/wanted to answer the lists myself:
Christmas songs:
I feel like we did this last year, but in no particular order, I'll go with:
3. White Christmas (Bing)
5. All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey, that one's for you Pat)
4. Baby Please Come Home (U2)
1. One More Sleep till Christmas (Muppet Christmas Carol),
2. Baby It's Cold Outside (Dean).
Honorable Mention to Winter Wonderland (Bing) and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Sinatra)

Horrible Graduation Presents:
5. A pen. Seriously, I must have gotten like 8 of these when I graduated high school, and I've never used a single one. Who gives a pen?
4. Coupon book. I really know someone who got this. What do people do, step outside, realize they forgot the real gift inside, and say "oh well, there's this nifty book of coupons someone stuck on my front door! Vamsi will appreciate this!"
3. Cole cousin gave me cole slaw, though as a joke, so it's forgivable.
2. A picture of a bird. My ex girlfriend got this for her high school graduation. Some random Indian doctor felt like he was an amateur photographer and gave her a blow up poster of a bird he took a picture of. And it wasn't even a really cool bird, like a falcon or an eagle or a dragon. It was like a blue jay.
1. Metal grasshopper. No joke. I need to find this, I think it's at home. Some family friend made a giant wire grasshopper (giant = maybe 1 foot long). It scared the fuck out of my roommates freshman year, convinced everyone I was a little crazy, and eventually got kind of rusty and cut me. Fucking grasshopper.

McManus Expressions:
5. glai
4. "did you fuck?"
3. vnh

Disney girls:
5. Cinderella. She can cook and clean, which is always a plus.
4. Belle. Plus she likes furry animal beast things, so you know she's kinda kinky.
3. That girl in the Hercules movie. No idea who she is, didn't see the movie, but she's in this Kingdom Hearts video game.
2. Ariel. Ok I'm not sick, she's totally hot when she's human. Plus when she's a fish, but only from the waist up. Seashell bra!
1. Jasmine. No contest. It's probably because I'm brown.

Honorable mention to the flashback version of the mom in the Incredibles

Nonreligious books:
10. Harry Potter, JK Rowling
9. Upanishads, Some Indian Dude(s)
8. Divine Comedy, Dante
7. Common Sense, Thomas Paine
6. Commie Manefesto, Marx Brothers
5. The Art of War, Sun Tzu
4. Civil Disobedience, Thoreau
3. On the Origin of Species, Darwin
2. Iliad/Odyssey, Homer
1. The Republic, Plato

Honorable Mention to Adventures of Huck Finn (first great American novel), Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (...), Don Quixote (personal fave), Hamlet (if Shakespeare existed), and maybe 100 Years of Solitude or Catcher in the Rye (personal fave)

aight I'm out. The drunken noodles are good.


Stringer said...

Top 5 Christmas Songs:

1) O Holy Night - Mariah Carey
2) Little Saint Nick- Beach Boys
3) Hark the Heralds - Natalie Cole
4) All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
5) Winter Wonderland

Top 5 Hottest Disney females

1) Jasmine - Consensus #1
2) Pocahontas
3) Belle
4) Ariel
5) Cinderella

Vamsi said...

I'm surprised stringer didn't list Mulan. He has a well-documented preference for the color yellow.

Lester Freamon said...

My top five Christmas songs:

1. O Holy Night (Possibly the greatest song ever written. Transcendentally beautiful. Not by Mariah Carey though. I've never heard her version, but she is the type of performer who'd try to make the song about her and how impressive her range is and what she can do with a voice and all that and it would distract from the music.)

2. Sleigh Ride
3. The Christmas Song (aka Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) preferably sung by Nat King Cole.
4. The Little Drummer Boy
5. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Lester Freamon said...

I'd also dispute Huck Finn's status as the First Great American Novel. I'd give that title to The Scarlet Letter. I do think Huck Finn is better, but The Scarlet Letter is great, American, a novel, and was written earlier.

Vamsi said...

That's a valid argument. I would actually say that from that era, Moby Dick would also qualify. Don't know which came first. I personally think that Huck Finn has more historical significance, as it more deeply influenced the identity of American Literature, and that it better captured a distinctly American spirit (vs the more gothic Scarlet Letter or imperial Moby Dick). That may just be based on the (my?) image of a very different America pre- mex-american war/manifest destiny/civil war.