Sunday, November 19, 2006

4 people you'd want to have dinner with

Here's an oldie but goodie: If you were able to have dinner with any four people, past or present, real or fictional, who would you pick, and why. Mine:

1) Ben Franklin - jack of all trades, master of all. His wide range of interests/accomplishments goes unmatched. Wit, humor, and statesman-like qualities would make him a good addition to the dinner table

2) Henry David Thoreau - highly independant thinker and writer. Would be able to voice his opionion on a number of subjects and provide good conversation/debate.

3) Martin Luther King Jr. - a genuine hero. positive and poetic.

4) Helen of Troy - More than just eye-candy at the table. A veritable 10. Is it any wonder Helen Of Troy's initals are H.O.T.? It'd be good to have her at the table in case you end up going out to the bar or club after. That way, you'll have a nice, cute girl to talk to.

1 comment:

Vamsi said...

Helen of Troy is nice? No way. She'd cheat on you, then cause a war, and you'd never get her back anyway.

1. Leonardo Da Vinci...baller like Franklin, but even more so, and gay. And he was the leader of the ninja turtles. Beat that, Franklin.

2. Jesus Christ...mostly to see what he thinks of the whole religion based on him and an overpowerful church, and to see if he agrees with me that the Da Vinci Code sucked.

3. Yoda. Maybe Frank Oz would bring Kermit and Grover too.

4. Ron Artest. I'd love to see him get in a fight with anyone of the other 3 people I've invited. Plus, when we go out later, Ron will have an awesome big posse of hot chicks that he'll pass along to us. I hear he's cool like that.